Anderson Clinical Mental Health Services
Anderson Clinical Mental Health Services
Just thinking......
Thoughts, struggles and coping
2021年2月8日"Don't let that bother you, it's nothing anyway." Sometimes I want to scream when people say things like that to me! It might be nothing to you, but it is something to me hence the reason for the anxiety about it! I get so frustrated when people say things that aren't helpful. Have you ever been...2020年8月4日Since the beginning of this pandemic things have been up and down constantly. There have been changes in all ways of life as we know it. Restaurants have changed, doctor offices have changed and visiting family has changed. Most people really struggle with change but right now it is almost all...2020年3月20日In the past few weeks things have gotten very difficult here in the United States. People are uncertain of so many things and are fearful of what might happen. Will we go back to school? And when? Will we have jobs again? Are our leaders going to make things better for us? There are so many...
To free you from Anxiety and Depression
To help cure the cause of Self Harm and OCD
To help walk through Trauma and divorce
© 2021